Why Cant Time Stand Still?


Just for a minute.

I need time to stop. It keeps going. I hurt, and I cry, and it just keeps going. It doesn’t seem like its been 9 months.
It feels like no time at all. It seems like its been forever.

I packed up our home today. The one that was supposed to be our new start, our new beginning. The new us. The home that you were going to detox in and start being mine again.

Life didn’t play out that way. You disappeared the first month of being here, got sicker and sicker, until you died.

Instead of this home being a place of hope and new beginnings, it holds pain, so much pain.

Yet its hard to leave. Part of our dream held true. This place held new beginnings. Truly new beginnings. You’re gone.

There is no more us.

We no longer exist.

Mrs Olsen no longer exists.

Life just keeps going. I have no time to feel. No time to cry. It just keeps moving.

I hate feelings, cant I just stop. I just don’t want to cry anymore.

Every paper, every court document, every love letter. I went through them all today. I was hit by so many feelings like a tidal wave of emotion.

So much emotion. Hurt, Pain, Longing, Love, Hate. All of it.

I miss you, I loved you. I hate you, I love you. You brought so much joy, so much love, so much pain, so much hate. You were so much. You’re gone.

This home, it was supposed to be ours. It never was.

I’m leaving it. I’m leaving this place. The last place where we existed.

Starting over, again.

I just wish time would stand still long enough for me to cry, long enough for me to hate you, long enough for me to love you. Long enough for me to heal.

Left in the desert

This is one of those stories.  One i didn’t want to remember, but I want to tell it for the ones living in crazy, as I did.  I lived crazy.  Living with an addict is pure crazy.  Loving an addict is an act of insanity. It is painful to remember, but it is dangerous to forget. 


Morning, probably around eight or nine .  I dropped Jason off to see a friend in the hospital, left him with a bus pass.  Then I went to work, he was supposed to meet me back at home that evening, he was maybe a mile away.  We kissed goodbye, just a normal thing.  Then I didn’t hear from him at all, all day, Nothing, no phone, no text. 

6pm – nothing

7, 8 pm nothing

I put the kids to bed.  His phone is off, I cant find him. 

8, 10 midnight. 

I’m up, trying every number I have, texting anyone he’s been in contact with.  literally, nothing.  No word. The fear and anxiety start to grip you, no longer a nagging feeling in your head but a full blown tidal wave of fear. 

That pit in your stomach, that fear that your loved one is not OK.  That maybe they wont make it home this time.  This time.  Because of course, this si not the first taste of insanity.  Its just, you never get used to it.  you never get used to your loved on disappearing.

Having been married to an addict for years, your fear is tempered with logic. 

Logic: He has disappeared before, he could of just disappeared  again. This really isn’t that unusual, you shouldn’t worry.  He does this.  Its OK

Still, you cant help but worry.  I stayed up all night, all night looking out the window, trying to find him, trying to find someone who knew where he was. 

3am.  A text, FINALLY

Only, it just brings more confusion.  I get a text from Jasons phone, saying that he’s dead, he messed with the wrong people, got left in the desert, and that he was gone.  I could go pick up his phone at a Frys parking lot towards the Indian reservation.  A long text saying how whoever was writing this was sorry for me, but he messed with the wrong people, and was dead in the desert.  I broke down and cried.  I called my brother, I didn’t know what to do, I didn’t know how to process.  Pain and heartache, fear, anger worry.  All tumbling over me like waves knocking me into the sand, one after another without a  break to breathe. 

  First of all, after my initial pain and crying subsided, I knew it was not true.  I did not know what WAS true, or why this was being sent to me, but it did not make any sense.  If someone had just killed my husband, they would not be texting me from his phone. Nor would they be concerned about me getting it back.  

However, If it was him, this was a mean, awful thing to do to me. (the theory I believe).  I couldn’t imagine him doing such an aweful thing to me.  I was tired, exhausted from being up all night, and worried, confused, angry.   Just grasping at what could be reality and what was not.

More reality checks:  I started doing my online stalking, and I found someone he had called from his google voice number.

I called the number.  Those were always fun calls.  “Hi this is Jason’s wife, i see he called, I got a text saying he was dead, and I need to know he’s OK.  I found your number using xxxx  and can you please let me know if he;’s OK:” 

Thankfully this seemed to be a nice person, he verified he was OK but seemed messed up, and that Jason had called him for a ride, he was picking him up.  Some cab driver, I don’t know.  Anyway, they had him.  He had his phone.  Person picked him up, and then, said he took off.  He was gone again.  All day, I worried, now I knew he was alive, pretty sure he texted that to me, or someone he was with thought it was a funny joke. I don’t know.  But the paralyzing fear that he was gone.  It was as though I was turned into stone. 

He eventually made it home, late late late, I think it was the next day.  I’m finding these memories are being burred.  Maybe I’m blocking them.  I don’t want to remember them.  Remembering is painful. 

Its important that I remember.  Its important because I want those hard times to mean something.  If I forget, they were nothing.  That pain and anguish, that heartache, it was for nothing.  When he did come home, he was a mess, and he denied any knowledge of it.  He, of course, had an elaborate story.  He always had a story.  One that twisted truth and lies into an elaborate pattern, tangling my mind, twisting the truth.  He said he had been left in the desert and had to walk back. He claimed he did not have his phone, after he walked alone in the desert back, he also tracked down whoever had his phone and got it back.   I don’t know whats true and whats not.  I never will.  I do know that he was gone, I had awful texts sent to me, and that no one should go through that, ever.  Living with an addict.  When you choose to use, its like “holding a burning coal on your loved ones body”

What I do know is that addiction permeates your life and a ll your loved ones, its poisoning you and all you touch.  The pain, panic, fear confusion, all of it was because of addiction.  I love him and I hate him all rolled into one.  I wish with every fiber of my being that his story, his journey would of ended differently.  Now I can only hope his story, our story,  will maybe help another, before their story ends in tragedy. 

And we keep climbing

I like the analogy of climbing up a mountain in our grief.  Although, there is a false implication that you someday will reach the top.  We won’t.  Grieving is a never ending process.  Not that its a bad thing.  It just is.  I will never get over losing my husband, as in it will always affect me.  Nor do I want to get over it.  I also will never “get over” going through what I did as a wife of an addict.  Do I cry every day? NO!  Am I able to be happy? Absolutely, but its always there, and it always will be.  It has shaped  who I am, and its OK.  You don’t “get over” being in love with someone for over 10 years, bearing 5 children with them and binding your soul to them.  That’s OK.  I don’t expect go a day without thinking about him.  If I do, that will be OK to.  I have released myself of all judgements.  I hope you can too.  Today was an easy climb.  I felt free today, I felt happy today, and was very busy at work.  I keep seeing that there really is beauty in this life.  I think the pain has shown me how beautiful it is.  I think I’m a better person after losing my husband.  I still would change it in a a second if I could!   But I cant so I will take the beauty and joy from it.  Its like the yin and the yang.  You only know how beautiful and lovely something is when you have seen it up against the horrible ugly pain.  I am a much better mother, though one with less time and resources, than I was before I lost Jason.  I am a better and more understanding friend.  I can empathize and understand pain in ways I could not before.  I hope all of you fellow precious people who have suffered your own tragedies can take beauty from it as well.  No, I don’t think its the best, I am in no way saying it is for the best.  I’m just saying, we have no choice in what happened.  We have a choice in how we let it affect us.  I choose to take beauty from it, I choose to be happy.  I hope you do as well.

To love is pain

I hate listening to love songs on the radio.  Yes, I’m a Grinch.  I just feel lied to, cheated, tricked.  When you choose to love someone, you are choosing pain.  Every single love ends in great pain for at least one party.  Either you “break up” or one of you dies.  Either scenario ends in pain.  Our song was “I’m going to love you forever”  That’s just a nightmare.  Imagine the curse of loving someone forever.  People die.  If i truly decided to love Jason forever, I would now be destined to be alone the rest of my life.  I’m not even 30 yet.  I’m not going to ” love you forever,” ” I’m going to love you until the day one of us dies.  And hope and pray its a good long while, but as I so painfully know, might be today.”  – super catchy isn’t it :D.  Not so romantic of a song?  The truth and reality of things is not very “romantic”  My life hasn’t exactly been a romance novel, dramatic, passionate, full of twists and turns, and super unexpected, but not a romance novel.  My life, goodness, I’m still living it, still breathing every day.  Still waking up, still going on, attempting to be healthy (100 dollars at the freaking vitamin store!!!)  I’m doing it without “my love” the one I vowed in sickness and in health till death do us part (and we parted).  The one who we all desperately seek out to spend “forever” with.  In reality we are seeking out pain.  We are seeking out to find someone who we will, or they will, ultimately break a heart.  Its ours or theirs.  If we dare to love, we inevitably will all hurt or be hurt.  Am I saying we shouldn’t seek this out?  Not at all, I am so thankful I got to love, I got to be hurt.  i only know the true pain of losing someone I loved, because I was given the gift of loving.  I only know the true pain of being hurt by someone I love, because again, I was given the gift of Love.  You cant be hurt if you don’t love. You cant lose someone if you never had them in the first place.  I just am processing, and I’m blunt.  Not trying to rain on anyone’s “love parade”  I honestly think its beautiful to be open and vulnerable with another person, and allow them to love you,  to risk them hurting you.  Its what we are called to do, our purpose of being here is to love one another.  To lay ourselves down, put our own interests aside in favor of others. Its just not usually viewed in the reality of what it is.  A doorway to ultimate hurt and pain.  We will be hurt, or we will hurt someone.  Someone is going to die.  So, I ask, to the ones seeking love, what are you so afraid of?  I hate it when people say they wont “ask that person” say those things “as that person out” or be vulnerable for fear of rejection, or fear of getting hurt.  It makes NO SENSE.  Your goal is to ultimately be hurt!  Remember if you made it, one of you died.  So what are you afraid of?  If your afraid of pain, your seeking the wrong thing, if your afraid of hurting someone or being hurt, please don’t “play the love game” because as I’ve already pointed out, winning means you will have a lot of pain, or cause a lot of pain.  Most likely a combination of both, so, live without fear, love with the certainty of being hurt,    –  If your love ends in death, congrats – if it ends some other way, you too are in for a world of hurt and pain, ask anyone who has suffered a divorce,  To live in love is to live in pain.  Its worth it.  Keep on loving, keep on trying.  Better to feel pain and love than feel nothing at all.  

The Pain of Boundaries

I wrote this Sept 02 – also 7 months before I lost him.  I never followed through with my boundaries.  And knowing he was going to die, I don’t know what I would of done differently, I don’t know if I’m thankful I didn’t follow through or upset that I didn’t. Death is a funny thing.  I’m glad I got to see him as much as I did, I’m glad he was living with me when he died, but the *what ifs* maybe he wouldn’t of gotten sick, I don’t know, The autopsy will answer many questions, whenever it finally comes back.   Was he sick because of drugs?  Was their an underlying illness they never caught?  Did he have a mass on his brain that caused his drug problems?  I don’t know.  I’m scared to know.  I don’t want to live with regrets.

                           I’m gonna assume every reader knows my husband is in recovery.  Problem, he’s not really in recovery at the moment.  In fact he’s not been in recovery likely for a couple months.  Leaving me to make all the rational decisions in our life.  We have four kids – and I’m preggers… ouch.  Anyway, doing a decent job if you call decent batshit crazy and having days one end where I cry.  This is just me being real.  Anyone who has watched someone not only destroy their own life but allowed them to emotionally hurt their children can empathize.  I’m done.  I have said that before.  I realize it, but I really am done, my kids aren’t going to hurt because mommy lets daddy come home whenever he feels like it anymore.  Praying he doesn’t get hard time this time, (he’s in jail, again) praying that he decides to go to rehab this time, praying he decides to change this time.  Trying, and saying, over and over and over again that this time, I will be OK, with or without him.  This time, I will be the grown up for my kids, this time, even if it means my baby girl may be born without her father present, she will not have a daddy that does or doesn’t show up at night.  She will either have one that’s there every night clean and sober, or we will be relying on God to be her daddy, cause, that’s all I can do right now.  For anyone reading who has been through a similar situation, my heart cries for you.  Only you understand the pain and heartache of setting boundaries with someone you deeply love.  Only you understand the pain of taking your marriage of 10 years and saying, God I hope it makes it, but if not I will be ok.  Going to visit someone in jail who currently hates you for not rescuing them.  Listening to your kids ask when their daddy is coming home, and why he’s not here with them, celebrating your son turning two without their daddy.  All those things, I can handle, its the hate, the hatred that he has for me right now for not doing what he wants me to do, even if its because I cant.  Its having your other half hurting and wanting so badly to fix it, so badly to get him out get him better and have life be OK, that’s the unbearable pain.  The pain that I don’t get to bury or escape from, the pain I have to face every day..  Now, the happy, tutoring is looking up a little bit :).  I love to tutor, trying to possibly dog-sit for people during the day instead of them leaving their dog in a kennel all day, :).  Still working my at home job, attempting to do craft fairs, and trying to be happy and loving towards my kids and not let them see me cry anymore.  I joined Celebrate Recovery at our church and actually met women going through and have gone through the similar situations.  Knowing that with God all things are possible.  Pray for us, pray for our family, pray for my husband.   i realize this post wasn’t funny, uplifting or really anything other than depressing.  Taking my dog and kids to the park, then maybe life will seem happier :).  Thankfully I know life inst about if I’m happy or not, but about doing the right thing, no matter what, even when its really hard.  The end. 😀  

The path to the dark side


                    I wrote this Sept 02 of 2013 7 months before I lost him.  We were struggling.  I didn’t share it, because everything is always a *secret*  I’m breaking my secrets.  I want other people to know they are NOT alone, no matter if they choose to stay or choose to leave.  They don’t have to be alone.

Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate… Welcome to the dark side. I’m scared and I’m angry, want to know why? Want to know what is making me so angry? Being abandoned, want to know what makes me more angry? Having it happen over and over and over again, and not feeling like there’s a damn thing I can do about it. And now finally what has made me the most mad, is watching my kids get their heartbroken because daddy doesn’t come home when he doesn’t want to. It makes me feel stuck, powerless, angry and then I just sit and cry. I’m done crying. Its so hard to forgive, its impossible to forget. Struggling with the *right* way to handle things feels like there’s a big rock that weighs 2000 lbs on top of me, and seeing even at 7 months pregnant I still only weigh in at 135 I have no chance of lifting it. Then in reality I sit and cry more, and get more angry, then consider how I will provide for my kids emotionally and physically. I’m just mad. Being married to a drug addict sucks. Being married to a drug addict and feeling the weight of “wives submit to your husbands” having read “created to be his helpmeet” and feeling that by not just letting him do what he wants goes against God and the my religion makes me feel like I might as well just jump in the ocean with a bleeding animal because I just don’t have a chance, (sharks anyone? Sorry for my morbid analogy’s…). Just when I thought it couldn’t get worse, he goes and gets arrested again. Now I cant even pretend that he’s coming back and going to be the awesome caring responsible man I married 10 years ago. He’s not coming back for a long time, unless I decide to bail him out, which would cost me a lot of money that I don’t have, and not sure is the *right* thing to do anyway. When one parent has decided to not be a grown up and not be responsible, I just don’t have the option of screwing up. No pressure. Life just sucks sometimes, and as much as I try to put my positive, life is awesome spin on it, I just cant at the moment. I even tried to write with sarcasm, no such luck. I probably wont even piss anyone off… dang it, well I did use some morbid analogies, so maybe I’ll manage to make someone mad… No I don’t want your sympathy, I don’t want your advice, I don’t really want anything from anyone other than to tell all other dads and moms out there who might be feeling like life is to much and they deserve an out or they think they need a break to shut up, go home take care of your family and don’t be selfish. Unfortunately being selfish has consequences. Consequences that start to slide very quickly into severe ones, maybe they wont be so severe as going to jail and losing your family, but they may turn out in the form of a child that hates his or her mom/dad, a divorce from someone you thought you’d love forever or losing all your friends and family, or at least some of them. Don’t be selfish, don’t put yourself first, not ever. Then after all that, find the balance between not being a doormat, taking care of yourself and not being selfish. Have fun with that one, I’m currently attending all kinds of recovery groups ect. Even though, I don’t even want to. I don’t want advice, I just want to have a magic wand that fixes everything. I want my husband back, I want my kids fathers back, I want a normal life. I want my kids to have a father that comes home every night and plays with them and laughs with them and teaches them how to be a Jedi. OK so the Jedi part is optional, but… it would be awesome! I cant have that right now and it makes me angry, and we all know what anger leads to… I do have four beautiful children with one on the way who love me. I do have an amazing supportive family, I do have a good job, I do have things to be thankful for. Right now I’m just angry. Sorry Yoda.

The Day you Died

The day you died.  The day I joined this club, the widows club. It was a horrible day. The day I had to do the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. The day I had to tell our kids that you were not coming home, the day I had to tell them you were in heaven. It was a strange day, I had been here before, sorta, when you’d disappear, I would tell them you’d be home eventually though, and we would pray for you. Now, today, I didn’t get to say that. Today, I had to say, you weren’t here, and couldn’t be here, and were never coming back. In a way, it was easier, because this, this day was not of your choosing.  However, I dont think the other days were either you were taken over and consumed by a monster, I would see glimpses of you and know you were miserable inside this monster to. When I was sitting with you early today, sitting with you waiting for your spirit to pass, I was filled with sadness and disbelief, you had gotten sick on Friday, it was only Tuesday, how could I be losing you?  You were finally on a wait list to get into a rehab, so that we could rebuild our life after the destruction your addiction had brought.  It was so unfair for it to end this way!  I was angry with you to, you were leaving me again, you were going to be with Jesus in heaven, finally at peace, and I was here, like I always was when you’d leave, taking care of life, taking care of our kids, painfully going through and never quitting.  Now, I had to tell our children, I had to be strong, I had to tell them You were never going to come home.   I dreaded this moment, I didn’t know how I was ever going to be strong enough, to tell the ones that I love the most, that their daddy was never going to hug them, smile at them or hold them ever again. I did it though, somehow I was able to pray to God to hold me up long enough to hold our kids up. I started with reading a book about heaven to our kids (a short children s book) and asking them what heaven was like, I let each one of our three kids explain (the other two are just babies) they talked of a happy place, with no pain, where God was and Golden streets. We smiled, and then, then I knew what I had to do, I asked the kids if they had remembered the two precious baby’s we had lost, Ethan did, and then, I said, those two baby’s finally got to meet their daddy today. Your daddy is in heaven, finally at peace, he’s not coming home, he died today. It was so hard, everyone cried, I cried, I’m crying now as I’m writing this. The pain of knowing my children will be fatherless, that they don’t have you at all. That was the hardest day of my life, and somehow, with Gods help, I made it through it. Now the hard part of living and waking up each day, knowing I’m a widow. Knowing I got to know love, and hurt and pain and live with you, and that this is how it ended.